Salzburg, Austria

We had one day off when we were in Munich thanks to a public holiday, so a few friends and I jumped at the chance to cross the German-Austrian border and visit Salzburg for the day. The city was fairy tale picturesque with arched bridges all along the river, cobbled streets and village shops, and lively people sitting in the square chatting and drinking beer.



IMG_6595Okay, enough with the tourist pics– a quick google of Salzburg and you could probably see the same thing. So there’s two places that stick out in my mind the most when I think about this particular adventure, and while they might not be the most conventional sightseeing hotspots, I have yet to find anywhere in the world like them.

1. Afro Cafe

When we first came across this cafe, we were just looking for a quick bite to eat, and this place just so happened to be at the end of the street that we were on. I usually try to stay away from restaurants so close to touristy areas, as the food quality to price scale is not quite satisfying for me. Nonetheless, when we spotted Afro Cafe tucked in a corner, its quirkiness sparked my curiosity.

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IMG_6624 IMG_6620Pretty quirky right?? The entire cafe was themed around 60’s disco Afro Divas and pink and fabulousness. The food was delicious and had its own quirky flair to match its surroundings. Example: their corn chowder soup was served with popcorn! Their coffee products did not disappoint either- the iced cafe latte was just the perfect blend of fragrant espresso/milkiness. The waitress told us that the only other Afro Cafe that exists is in South Africa (!).

They had a sweet selection of coffee/tea products for sale that were so well-branded I could’ve just died. I had such a hard time deciding what babies to bring home with me… I finally decided on a tin each of beautifully packaged tea leaves and coffee beans that I could enjoy for a while after my adventures. Le sigh.

2.  Augustiner Braustubl

This is the famous monk brewery. Need I say more? Trying to find this place was a bit of a challenge, but a little detouring on the “scenic route” and we managed to get ourselves to the right address. Nonetheless, when we got to the outside of the building, it was completely deserted–there were absolutely no signs of any people let alone people drinking beer.


So we ventured on to explore a little…I was a little worried we were going to walk into the middle of a mass service or something…


When instead…we find the first signs of life! A food court filled with all the sausages and pretzels you could ever want in life.

Annnd….the real party. Whut whut. It was completely packed and there were no signs of life outside. Oh you crazy Germans. IMG_6890IMG_6879

We wasted no time in getting ourselves settled in with some of our own party supplies, and spent a blissful afternoon in the company of the beer monks.
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Oh, what a life.  More fun adventure finds to come.

Halfway There

I signed up to start big girl world in October, meaning that I have four blissful months of relaxing and doing absolutely nothing until then. My international travels are all finished for the year (I think), and I’m at my halfway point before I take a step over to the new world. I have two months left, a month at home and then I’m moving up to the city in September to get settled in. Now that I have some free time I wanted to be share some snippets of what’s happened in life as of late and maybe some plans for what’s to come.

After graduation I took a quick trip to Germany with my Masters program on our “required” study tour. I say “required” because while it really is required for us to graduate, the trip itself was hardly a drag.



I came home for five days and then started a new trip to the other side of the world, first to Taipei, Taiwan to pay the grandparents a visit and fill up on the delicious food.

Screen Shot 2013-07-30 at 5.30.01 PMNext stop was Shanghai for the rest of the time (a whole two months) with a quick trip to Tokyo in between. Got to spend some good quality time with the pops, Ding Tai Fung, and all of sweltering hot Shanghai.



IMG_4981Some pics from Tokyo:





My last three weeks in Shanghai I attended a foreign exchange program called Antai Global Summer School at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I made a bunch of new international friends.



More detailed posts about each adventure to come! I stumbled upon some super cute places along the way and would love to share them with you!

The End of An Era

Not to get sappy and all but… it’s so true what they say about how college is where you find you truly learn about who you are. These past four years at UF have been unforgettable, and have taught me so much about who I am, who I want to be, and the kinds of people that I want to surround myself with. 

I must say, I’ve been blessed in the friendship department thus far in life, and I am so so thankful that I got to share my laughter (and a few tears) with these sweet sweet faces.





After we snapped some shots in the Swamp we managed to sneak into our freshman year dorm where our friendship began! Oh how time flies.



IMG_6442My freshman year dorm room!



Here’s to lifelong friendships, and life after college!

Gainesvillian Adventures

Knowing that my days left in Gainesville are numbered is such a bittersweet feeling. Gainesville, despite its tiny size and the majority of its population being students, is filled with hidden gems.

A few weekends ago, Alexis and I took a little nature adventure  where I got to check off two things on my Gainesville bucket list: alligator spotting at Paynes Prairie and a trip to the Devil’s Millhopper.




We stopped and refueled with a good old southern rib feast complete with sweet potato fries, mac and cheese, fried okra, and sweet tea at good ol’ Pearl Country Store in Micanopy.

Le sigh. Southern comfort food is one of the many things I will miss about the South…IMG_6172

Our second stop: Devil’s Millhopper State Park!



IMG_6192What’s a nature adventure without an adventure hat?

IMG_6197Thanks to my little environmental enthusiast Alexis I learned all about sinkholes and how water is recharged into the aquifer.It’s most certainly a refreshing break from being sucked into the business world all the time.

On the rest of my Gainesville bucket list: East End Eatery, Jones B-side, star gazing at Paynes Prairie, rock climbing, Cedar Key pier, Waldo flea market, Micanopy (again).

Until the next adventure, J.

Granny Status

I have reached ultimate granny status and I am not ashamed.

Knitting has always been something that I’ve been meaning to learn, I’ve just never really mustered up the patience or the courage to try. This past December I decided to take the plunge and purchased my first pair of needles. After watching countless Youtube videos, a lot of frustrated grunting (sorry roommates), and pulling out my stitches way too many times, I started to get the hang of it.

IMG_3565This was my very first patch of knitting EVER.

My sister and I, being the really hip kids that we are, got really antisocial and really into knitting over Christmas break. She knit up this little number for her little pup:

And I slaved away over this baby that I finished not too long ago.



I am obsessed (as evidenced by my specially dedicated Pinterest board ). Knitting is just the perfect activity to keep my hands busy whilst I catch up on queue of trashy tv. Needless to say, I cannot wait to find granny friends in a knitting club in NYC and make regular trips to the Purl Soho next year!

For anyone looking to start out, here are a few of the youtube videos that I found particularly helpful for a complete beginner like me: 1. Slip Knot 2. Casting On, 3. Knit Stitch.

Any fellow grannies at heart that love this knitting thing as much as I do? Speak up!


As crazy at it gets being back home for the holidays, returning to big-girl reality makes me miss the ones who know and love me the mostest.

A few highlights from our Chang Family 2012 Christmas Extravaganza: IMG_3662We immediately fell in puppy love when my sister brought her new doggie (she’s a blog star!) home for a visit.


IMG_5447So I guess everyone felt bad that I didn’t have a pet of my own– my dad felt the need to bring me back a nice and creepy fake cat from Japan for Christmas: IMG_5537(We kind of look strikingly similar…which isn’t weird at all.)

And my sister gifted me with a Boo of my very own:IMG_5614

Me thinks Riley developed some jealousy over our new cat friend.



Hope your Christmas break was filled with just as much sweet silliness.

It’s Been too Long….

I have no idea what to say after such a long absence… so I suppose I’ll just catch up in picture memories.

1. I spent the summer here.

With one of my best friends since 3rd grade as my partner in crime:

There was a little gathering of three of my favorite people one of my last weekends in the city…

It made my heart so happy.

2. Right after I got home, I hopped on another plane to Taiwan for a family reunion to celebrate this sweet guy’s big 9-0.

To celebrate, we took a big trip to China to see the avatar-inspired mountains and spend some good ole quality time together in a big Chen family tour bus.

My big sissy joined in on the fun in Taiwan just before I had to leave to come back to Gainesville and start big girl school…

3. I turned 21…

And now I’ve just been running around like a crazy woman trying to keep it all together, and making big girl plans for my future. [EEK!]

The weather just got semi cooler here today, and it is making me so so excited for the fall! Yay for pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING! And snuggling. Oh le sighhh

It’s good to be back. I super duper promise I’ll be back with more soon! J.

Moroccan Style

Perusing through the souks everyday for a week over Semana Santa really gave me the Moroccan decorating fever. Going into the trip, I knew that I had to come out with one of these babies:

These moroccan poufs typically retail for about $200 US dollars…and I bartered mine down to 200 dirhams, about $20!

Look how pretty they look styled in all these amazing rooms:

I know I’m a bit late to jump on the pouf bandwagon, but I’m making it acceptable because I picked mine up straight from the souk. Heh. I can’t wait to fluff this baby up and find a nice home for it in my new apartment next year!

My hands were still itching for more Moroccan pretty things after my pouf purchase…and I started eyeing the rugs…heh. Being on a study abroad budget and study abroad style traveling (meaning backpacks and duffel bags in hostels and buses), I knew that a rug purchase would be pushing it a little…

And then I laid eyes on one of these sparklers:

A Moroccan Wedding blanket. eeeek! I was hooked. And I figured I would sacrifice my comfort (and luggage space) to take back one of these precious things.

I set out through the souks looking for the perfect blanket with my limited budget. 15 minutes into my third rug store, the deed was done, and I managed to snag one of my very own sparkly blankets for about $70. A tiny fraction of the $300-$600 price tag they go for online and in stores like Calypso St. Barth!

Score for Jord! (even though I apparently still got a little bit ripped off…)

But on the reals, how glam and fun and sparkly are they?!

Now I too, can kick off my fabulous heels in my fabulous couture outfit and lounge on my fabulous moroccan blanket just like Carrie and the girls…


Here I am, post purchase.

Excuse the creepily excited smile…I think I was a bit overwhelmed because the purchase was a bit of an impulse…But I got over it realllll quick. 😉

The blanket is definitely not the lightest (actually its like the weight of a small child), but because I knowingly got myself into this, I lugged my baby around town the entire day without a complain.

And one last thing Moroccan thing. While I was researching my pretty things in the hostel in Marrakesh, I came across this amazing place- Peacock Pavilions— its this beautiful little resort in Marrakesh run by a couple with fabulous taste. You can book separate pavilions for your stay in Morocco and each one is absolutely gorgeous:

It’s so fun to see how all the little trinkets that I saw throughout the souks can be incorporated into such an ultra chic yet homey and charming little place! I die.

Images via DecorPad and Peacock Pavilions