Moroccan Style

Perusing through the souks everyday for a week over Semana Santa really gave me the Moroccan decorating fever. Going into the trip, I knew that I had to come out with one of these babies:

These moroccan poufs typically retail for about $200 US dollars…and I bartered mine down to 200 dirhams, about $20!

Look how pretty they look styled in all these amazing rooms:

I know I’m a bit late to jump on the pouf bandwagon, but I’m making it acceptable because I picked mine up straight from the souk. Heh. I can’t wait to fluff this baby up and find a nice home for it in my new apartment next year!

My hands were still itching for more Moroccan pretty things after my pouf purchase…and I started eyeing the rugs…heh. Being on a study abroad budget and study abroad style traveling (meaning backpacks and duffel bags in hostels and buses), I knew that a rug purchase would be pushing it a little…

And then I laid eyes on one of these sparklers:

A Moroccan Wedding blanket. eeeek! I was hooked. And I figured I would sacrifice my comfort (and luggage space) to take back one of these precious things.

I set out through the souks looking for the perfect blanket with my limited budget. 15 minutes into my third rug store, the deed was done, and I managed to snag one of my very own sparkly blankets for about $70. A tiny fraction of the $300-$600 price tag they go for online and in stores like Calypso St. Barth!

Score for Jord! (even though I apparently still got a little bit ripped off…)

But on the reals, how glam and fun and sparkly are they?!

Now I too, can kick off my fabulous heels in my fabulous couture outfit and lounge on my fabulous moroccan blanket just like Carrie and the girls…


Here I am, post purchase.

Excuse the creepily excited smile…I think I was a bit overwhelmed because the purchase was a bit of an impulse…But I got over it realllll quick. 😉

The blanket is definitely not the lightest (actually its like the weight of a small child), but because I knowingly got myself into this, I lugged my baby around town the entire day without a complain.

And one last thing Moroccan thing. While I was researching my pretty things in the hostel in Marrakesh, I came across this amazing place- Peacock Pavilions— its this beautiful little resort in Marrakesh run by a couple with fabulous taste. You can book separate pavilions for your stay in Morocco and each one is absolutely gorgeous:

It’s so fun to see how all the little trinkets that I saw throughout the souks can be incorporated into such an ultra chic yet homey and charming little place! I die.

Images via DecorPad and Peacock Pavilions